
Thursday, 11 June 2015

ACTIVITY 9 LANGUAGE EXCHANGE (international collaborative study)

The students are expected to create a glog ‘Language Exchange’ with a video in which each of the group members will say the same text as the others in all 4 languages: 1st in English, 2nd in your mother tongue, 3rd and 4th in the other languages.

  1. Get from your teacher the names of your group members and contacts to them or find them in the MATERIALS in FOLDER.
  2. Contact your team members via their email or Skype or Facebook contacts. Remember to be polite and do not forget to check the mail and reply as soon as possible or write the time when you can reply or meet for a Skype or be on a chat in Facebook or Twinspace.
If there are two Czechs in one team, for example , only one of the students can do the contacting or one student can contact a Polish student and one a Turkish student. Or you can do it together. You can be present at the Skype together or answer an email together, of course. It is up to you.
     3) Choose a name of your group.
     4) Choose the English phrases you will teach each other in your mother tongue.
         The number of phrases: 6 to 10.

For example: 1. Hello 2. How are you? 3. What is your name? 4. My name is …
                     5. Where do you live? 6. I live in … 7. Nice to meet you. 8. Bye
                     This text can be the same, except for the names.

or 1. Hello 2. What do you like doing in your free time.? 3. I like reading books ( this can be different for each student based on his/her likes). 4. I don’t likestudying maths. 5I love snorkeling. 6. I hate shopping for clothes. 7. Bye.

or         1. Could you give me the menu, please?  2. What will you have? 3. I will have spaghetti bolognese.
             4. Will you have anything to drink? 5. I will have still water. 6. Anythyhing else? 7. No, Thank you very much. 8. Can I pay by card?
This text can be also the same.

5) Do not forget the right pronunciation:) You can record the right pronunciation and send it to your partners or teach it each other on the Skype.
6) Each S records a video of himself/herself saying the phrases in all the languages. The group then creates one video of all group members. YOU will need to choose someone who will create the final video.
6) Store the video on youtube. You can make it private if you want and share only the link.
7)  Create a special glog for your group  in the glogster called ‘Language Exchange’. You can write the phrases there, add your names, who wants photos, and the video or others. The Czechs have an access. Polish too, probably. Turkish had a trial only.
8) Send the link to your glogster to your teacher.

tools you can use: mail, chat in the Twinspace, Skype, Facebook, youtube, youtube editor/movie maker or other, padlet (to share your ideas) or comments,

Ask your teacher for help if needed or write to the forum for help.

Deadline: 19 June
Aleš Čermák
Štěpán Bureš
Hella Kurella
Mateusz Smoliński
Tufan Durak
Šárka Lam
jakub Phan
Piotr Sioch
Stasiek Pilichowski
Efsane Çetin
Deryanur Bozkurt
Týna Pešková
Klaudia Fedorowska
Nutka Kozubska
Taha Dalpolat
Eliška Slavíková
Anička Freibergová
Marcelina Gajewska
Ola Stevnert
Hatice Kaya
Zuzka Špryslová
Magdaléna Trajerová
Julek Noceń
Aleyna Demirkaya
Oliver Stančev
Martin Doležal
Mela Kupis
Yener Karaca
Pavel Kostinec
Martin Voděrka
Maja Słomkowska
Julka Biesiekierska
İrfan Çakmak

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